Jack Meredith Best Paper Award
Each year's Jack Meredith Best Paper Award recognizes a paper published in the Journal of Operations Management in the prior year. Department Editors voted on 6 papers nominated by the Editors-in-Chief. Award prize: $2,000 shared among authors.
Brandon Lee, Lawrence Fredendall, Aleda Roth, Shannon Sternberg, Bernardo F. Quiroga. 70(4), 2024
Demand Planning for the Digital Supply Chain
Rebekah Brau, John Aloysius, Enno Siemsen. 69(6), 2023
Emerging Technologies and the Use Case: A Multi-Year Study of Drone Adoption
Omid Maghazei, Michael A. Lewis, and Torbjørn H. Netland. 68 (6-7), 2022
Adrian Choo, Sriram Narayanan, Ravi Srinivasan, Soumodip Sarkar. 67 (6), 2021
The value of process friction: The role of justification in reducing medical costs
Jillian A. Berry Jaeker and Anita L. Tucker. 66 (1-2), 2020
Hessam Bavafa and Christian Terwiesch. 65 (7), 2019
Frank Wiengarten, Di Fan, Mark Pagell, Chris K.Y. Lo. 65(6), 2019
George P. Ball, Rachna Shah and Kaitlin D. Wowak. 58-59 (1), 2018
Verónica H. Villena and Dennis A. Gioia. 64 (1), 2018
Why in the world did they reshore? Examining small to medium-sized manufacturer decisions
John V.Gray, Gökçe Esenduran, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham and Keith Skowronski 49-51 (1), 2017
2017 (Temporary criteria change for award nominations and evaluations)
Revisiting the Arcs of Integration: Cross-validations and extensions
Tobias Schoenherr and Morgan Swink. 30 (1-2), 2012
2016 (Temporary criteria change for award nominations and evaluations)
Supply Chain Collaboration: Impact on Collaborative Advantage and Firm Performance
Mei Cao and Qingyu Zhang. 29 (3), 2011
2015 (Temporary criteria change for award nominations and evaluations)
The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach
Barbara B. Flynn, Baofeng Huo, and Xiande Zhao. 28 (1), 2010
Sequence Effects in Service Bundles: Implications for Service Design and Scheduling
Michael Dixon and Rohit Verma. 31 (3), 2013
Christian Hofer, David E. Cantor and Jing Dai. 30 (1-2), 2012
Product Safety and Security in the Global Supply Chain: Mitigating Product Safety and Security Risks
Cheri Speier, Judith M. Whipple, David J. Closs and M. Douglas Voss. 29 (8), 2011
Evaluating Buyer–Supplier Relationship–Performance Spirals: A Longitudinal Study
Chad W. Autry and Susan L. Golicic. 28 (2), 2010
Performance Analysis of a Focused Hospital Unit: The Case of an Integrated Trauma Center
Nancy L. Hyer , Urban Wemmerlöv, and John A. Morris Jr. 27 (3), 2009
Understanding Behavioral Sources of Process variation Following Enterprise System Deployment
Elliot Bendoly and Mark Cotteleer. 26 (1), 2008
Outsourcing Impact on Manufacturing Firms’ Value: Evidence from Japan
Bin Jiang, James A. Belohlav, Scott T. Young. 25 (4), 2007
A Behavioral Study of Supply Manager Decision-Making: Factors Influencing Make Versus Buy Evaluation
Susan Powell Mantel, Mohan V. Tatikonda, and Ying Liao. 24 (6), 2006
JOM Ambassador Paper Award
Each year's JOM Ambassador Paper Award recognizes the paper published between a 5-year window ending in the prior year, with the most journal citations outside a list of core operations management journals (DSJ, IJFCM, IJLM, IJLRA, IJOPM, IJPDLM, IJPE, IJPR, JBL, JCP, JMTM, JOM, JPSM, JSCM, JSM, MSOM, MSOM, Omega, OMR, OSCM, POM, PPC, SCM and TQM&BE). Award prize: $1,000 shared among authors.
Strengthening supply chain resilience during COVID-19: A case study of JD.com
Zuojun Max Shen, Yiqi Sun.
Volume 69, Issue 3, 359-383. 2023.
Kang Zhao, Zhiya Zuo, Jennifer V. Blackhurst
Volume 65, Issue 2, 190-212, 2019
Guo Li, Lin Li, Tsan-Ming Choi, and Suresh P. Sethi
Volume 66, Issues 7-8, 2020
James D. Abbey and Margaret G. Meloy
Volume 53-56, Issue 1, 2017
Resource Based Theory in Operations Management Research
Michael A. Hitt, Kai Xu, and Christina Matz Carnes
Volume 41, Issue 1, 2016
Performance outcomes of supply chain agility: When should you be agile?
David M. Gligor, Carol L. Esmark, and Mary C. Holcomb
Volumes 33-34, Issue 1, 2015
Zhi Cao and Fabrice Lumineau
Volumes 33-34, Issue 1, 2015
Ivanka Visnjic Kastalli and Bart Van Looy
Volume 31, Issue 4, 2013
JOM Beacon Award
The Journal of Operations Management is excited to introduce the JOM Beacon Paper Award, granted to the JOM paper published in the preceding five years that has attracted most interest by the media, researchers, and practitioners. The purpose of the award is to motivate scholars to increase the visibility and impact of their work beyond scholarly circles. A preliminary list of finalist will be obtained using Altmetric Explorer, which monitors the attention received by published research across social media, news outlets, policy, patents, and more. The sources of media attention for those finalist will be reviewed by the EiCs to make a final selection of the award recipient. The award will be announced in the following year’s JOM mini-conference and includes with a $1,000 prize to be shared among authors.
Yeojun Chun, Shannon L. Harris, Aravind Chandrasekaran, Kristen Hill.
Volume 68, Issue 2,185-214, 2022.
JOM Associate Editor Award
Initial screening for each year's JOM Associate Editor Service Award is based on prior year data for number of AE reports, acceptance of invitations, and timeliness. The Editors-in-Chief conduct a further evaluation of Associate Editors based on quality, insight, and developmental tone. Award prize: $1,000.
2025 Winners: Jason Miller - Honorable Mention: Scott DuHadway, Jeff Shockley
2024 Winners: Howard Chuang and Kaitlin Wowak - Honorable Mention: Mark Frohlich
2023 Winner: Keith Skowronski - Honorable Mentions: Frank Wiengarten
2022 Winner: Guanyi Lu - Honorable Mentions: Bernardo Quiroga, Sriram Thirumalai
2021 Winner: Jan Holmstrom - Honorable Mentions: Sachin Modi
2020 Winner: Tingting Yan - Honorable Mentions: David Cantor, Guangzhi Shang, Keith Skowronski
2019 Winner: Sean Handley - Honorable Mentions: Christian Hofer
2018 Winners: Jeffery Smith and James Abbey - Honorable Mentions: Jason Miller
JOM Reviewer Service Award
Initial screening for each year's JOM Reviewer Service Award is based on prior year data for number of reviews, reviewer ratings, and timeliness. The Editors-in-Chief conduct a further evaluation of reviewers based on quality, insight, and developmental tone. Award prize: $1,000.
2025 Winner: David Dreyfus - Honorable Mentions: Dwaipayan Roy, Xiaojin Liu
2024 Winner: Yuanzhu Zhan - Honorable Mentions: Han Kyul Oh, Justin Kistler, Seongkyoon Jeong
2023 Winner: Di Fan - Honorable Mentions: Dayna Simpson, Travis Tokar
2022 Winner: Sriram Venkataraman - Honorable Mentions: Huseyn Abdulla, Di Fan
2021 Winner: George Ball - Honorable Mentions: Jury Gualandris, Merieke Stevens
2020 Winner: Guanyi Lu - Honorable Mentions: George Ball, Isik Bicer, Scott DuHadway
2019 Winner: Keith Skowronski - Honorable Mentions: Jeff Shockley
2018 Winner: Guanzi Shang - Honorable Mentions: Cuneyt Eroglu, Jan Holmström, Verónica Villena, Tingting Yan